Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Brett Rogers arrested for domestic violence charges

Brett Rogers, who lost to Josh Barnett just over a week ago in the Strikeforce Heavyweight Grand Prix, was reportedly arrested for charges connected to domestic violence. He allegedly hit and choked his wife badly enough that she blacked out, lost a tooth and sustained several wounds. From My FOX 9:

Brett Charles Rogers, 30, has been charged with assault in the third degree, domestic assault by strangulation and pattern of stalking conduct -- all felonies --in Dakota County. He was also charged with endangerment of a child, a gross misdameanor.

His wife blacked out from being choked, suffered a golf ball sized wound on her face among smaller wounds. The couples daughter had tried to intervene after she saw Rogers strike her mother.

Rogers' wife has been in his corner at his fights, including his last three losses in Strikeforce. She was emotional and with him in the cage on June 18 when Barnett's hand was raised after choking out Rogers.

UPDATE: Dana White said that Rogers has been released from Strikeforce after the arrest.

Thanks to Cage Potato

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/mma/blog/cagewriter/post/Brett-Rogers-arrested-for-domestic-violence-char?urn=mma-wp4177

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